Sports Premium
At Bewcastle School, we are currently allocated about £16,000 per year to spend on sport and PE. This money is ring-fenced, which means it cannot be spent on anything else.
Over the past year, it has enabled us to develop a new outdoor area for EYFS and KS1. This will allow the children to develop their core strength and their fine and gross motor skills whilst they build their confidence by moving faster and building higher.
Here are some of the ways in which we have spent our allocation over the past three years:
- Working collaboratively with Walton Lees Hill School to complete a 10 week block of Mindfulness Sessions and Dance coaching which concluded in a performance at the U-Dance festival in Carlisle
- Participation in local sports events, such as William Howard Netball and Football tournaments and other events such as the Talkin Tarn and Lanercost Cross Countries.
- After school clubs run by professional coaches;
- A number of Outdoor Adventurous Activity (OAA) days and a 3 day residential at Rock UK Newcastleton
- Twice weekly swimming in our own school pool during the summer term, for all children
- investment in sports equipment
- training for staff in lifeguarding and swimming teaching.
As a result of our sport and PE spending, we have ensured that:
- our children experience a range of sports and activities in different venues;
- our children are taught by a range of skilled teachers and leaders;
- our staff receive high quality CPD and updated skills;
- participation and achievement in sport is celebrated and encouraged;
- all children are included in all activities and work with a range of role models;
- all children are making good progress and developing higher levels of fitness and skill