Our Governing Body
Philip Burns
Date of appointment: 23.01.23
Date term of office ends: 22.01.27
Appointing body: Appointed by Governing Board
Committees: Operations
Additional roles: Vice Chair of Operations Committee
Declaration of Business Interests
- None
Jane Howard
Date of appointment: 28.09.23
Date term of office ends: 27.09.27
Appointing body: Elected by school staff
Committees: Pupils
Additional roles: N/A
Declaration of Business Interests
- Slinger Forestry
Emma James
Date of appointment: 28.09.23
Date term of office ends: 27.09.27
Appointing body: Elected by parents
Committees: Operations and pupils
Additional roles: Vice chair of Governors, SEND Governor, Safeguarding Governor & Chair of pupils committee
Declaration of Business Interests
- Local farming business
Joyce Waugh
Date of appointment: 28.09.23
Date term of office ends: 28.09.27
Appointing body: Elected by parents
Committees: Operations & Pupils
Additional roles:
Declaration of Business Interests
- Local Farmer
Mark Davis
Date of appointment: 25.01.23
Date term of office ends: 25.05.26
Appointing body: Local Authority
Committees: Operations & Pupils
Additional roles: Chair of Governors, Chair of Operations Committee, Vice Chair of Pupils Committee
Declaration of Business Interests
- Married to Clerk
Matthew Dixon
Date of appointment: 01.09.22
Appointing body: Ex-officio Governor (appointed by virtue of post)
Committees: Operations & Pupils
Declaration of Business Interests
- None
Jim Burgess
Date of appointment: 13.10.22
Date term of office ends: 12.10.26
Appointing body: Appointed by Governing Board
Committees: Operations
Additional roles: N/A
Declaration of Business Interests
- None
Mark Parkinson
Date of appointment: 25.04.23
Date term of office ends: 24.04.27
Appointing body: Appointed by Governing Board
Committees: Operations
Additional roles: N/A
Declaration of Business Interests
- None
Our Committees
Operations Committee
- Mark Davis (Chair)
- Philip Burns (Vice Chair)
- Emma James
- Joyce Waugh
- Jim Burgess
- Mark Parkinson
- Charlotte Harkness
- Matthew Dixon
Pupils Committee (including Safeguarding and Curriculum)
- Emma James (Chair)
- Mark Davis ( Vice Chair)
- Jane Howard
- Joyce Waugh
- Charlotte Harkness
- Matthew Dixon
The Governing Body meets at least once a term to plan the strategic leadership of the school. They provide support and challenge to the Head teacher and other school leaders. Governing body meetings all have an agenda and minutes are taken by the Clerk. Minutes from meetings are available by request from the school office. Being a governor is a challenging but immensely rewarding voluntary role.